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Are you wasting time analyzing the wrong data?


As an engineering leader, it can sometimes be hard to pinpoint what measurements are essential to your role. It is natural to be overwhelmed by the amount of data you have collected and having to regularly update what your focus should be on.

While it is important as leaders to take a step back from the day-to-day coding, it becomes harder to tell if you and your team are moving in the right direction at a good pace. There are many metrics that can be useful but there are also ones that can be misleading.

In this panel, we’ll discuss the key things for engineering leaders to get the best out of their systems; thinking about what to measure, how to measure it, and how to interpret your results.

Key Takeaways:

  • Outline the fundamentals of engineering metrics.
  • Learn which measurements are useful and which should be avoided
  • Understand how to interpret your metrics to ensure that you’re not jumping to false conclusions.
  • Develop actions and strategies based on your data.

Brought to you in partnership with Code Climate

Code Climate builds Engineering Intelligence solutions for software development teams. Their flagship product, Velocity, helps engineering leaders make efficient, unbiased data-driven decisions to ship product faster, build better processes and drive continuous improvement in their department.

Webinar attendees get special access to Code Climate's upcoming free ebook, "Empowering Developer Performance through Data-Driven Engineering Leadership." The book outlines a data-driven approach that will help engineering leaders optimize processes, foster developer autonomy, encourage professional development, and empower their team members to achieve engineering excellence. Sign up now and we'll send the book straight to your inbox when it's released in June.


Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo Buriticá
Juan Pablo

Juan Pablo Buriticá is a software engineering leader who has built and led distributed teams for over a decade. He is originally from Bogotá, Colombia and lives in New York City. He leads the LatAm Engineering organization at Stripe, focused on building financial infrastructure in the region.
