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About Launch Darkly

LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform that empowers all teams to safely deliver and control software through feature flags. By separating code deployments from feature releases, LaunchDarkly enables you to deploy faster, reduce risk, and iterate continuously.


Get involved with LaunchDarkly at LeadDev Live

With Jose Romero, Solutions Engineer, LaunchDarkly

Come to our demo to see how LaunchDarkly allows you to deploy code when your team is ready, and then let product teams independently release features when they are ready. Empower your teams to collaborate more, maintain stability, and deliver software faster. Reduce your team member’s stress of being on “pager duty” - with feature flags, you don’t have to roll back code to undo a feature release or mitigate a disaster, simply change the flag status.

We will be giving away LaunchDarkly t-shirts to everyone who joins our demo!

Today, we're going to show you how to derisk your deploys by separating your deploy from release.